Tuesday, November 26, 2019
8 Character Development Exercises to Help You Nail Your Character
8 Character Development Exercises to Help You Nail Your Character 8 Character Development Exercises to Help You Nail Your Character Even the most fast-paced, action-driven novels need compelling characters to keep readers engaged. Of course, readers will never â€Å"get to know†a character if the author doesn’t have a thorough understanding of who they are and what is driving them first. To this end, we’re about to get real close and personal with a few character development exercises.Character development exercises are a great way to give yourself a better understanding of the person you are creating with pen and paper (or â€Å"fingers and keyboard,†more likely). They also help you create resources that you can pull from during the writing process. In order to help bring your character to life, we are breaking character development down into three stages:Establish your character’s current emotional motivationsPut your character into contextBring your character to life Even the most fast-paced, action-driven novels need compelling characters to keep readers engaged. Establishing your character’s internal motivationsNailing down your character's fundamental goal - the thing that is truly important to them - will help you see what is driving them right now and why their story is worth telling at this moment in their lives. Without an internal goal to achieve, your story will lack a narrative arc. Perhaps even worse, your characters will come off as flat. How to Create a Character Profile: the Ultimate Guide (with Template) Read post Exercise #6: Break the iceThink about it: how many times have you been asked in one form or another, â€Å"So, tell me about yourself?†It’s a classic ice-breaker question, and, these days, with social media and the overwhelming variety of ways for us to â€Å"present ourselves†to the world, the stakes of â€Å"tell me about yourself†have never been higher. Of course, we change the way we answer this question based on who we’re talking to. Further chip away at your character and establish how they present themselves to others by imagining how they would briefly describe themselves in the following situations: In a job interviewOn a first dateCatching up with an old friendFlirting with someone at a partyIn their Twitter bioAt the border between the US and MexicoExercise #7: A little less conversation, a little more actionWhen you meet someone, you do not start by announcing your height, weight, hair, and eye color, so please do not introduce your c haracter to readers like this. But how to avoid describing looks and physicality without chunks of exposition? Consider this line from James Joyce’s Ulysses: â€Å"He looked in Stephen's face as he spoke. A light wind passed his brow, fanning softly his fair uncombed hair and stirring silver points of anxiety in his eyes.†Joyce takes advantage of a moment of action to shed light on Stephen’s looks and his anxious demeanor. Try your hand at conveying your character through action by first writing a list of physical traits that apply to your character. Next, with that list at hand, write a scene where something is happening - whether it’s a conversation, laundry-folding, cooking, etc. Weave references to your character’s physicality into the action.Exercise #8: Take them on a test-driveSometimes a bad case of writer’s block boils down to a broken connection between you and your protagonist, and the solution can be a change of scenery. Not for you - for your character! Writing prompts are a good way to get the creative juices flowing and can help you clear out the block so your character can continue down your story’s path.For a weekly supply of fresh writing prompts, head here. For your protagonist to shine through the page, they need to have their own voice. It’s only once you have acquired a thorough understanding of your protagonist, that a compelling and realistic character will shine through the page. However, there is disagreement in the world of writing communities regarding what information is or is not relevant for an author to know about a character. While we believe it’s probably unnecessary for an author know the number of hairs on their character’s head, we also believe you can never know too much about your protagonist. What’s important is discerning what information is significant to the current story you’re writing. As Ray Bradbury wrote in Zen in the Art of Writing: â€Å"Plot is no more than footprints left in the snow after your characters have run by on their way to incredible destinations.†If you’ve tried any of our suggested character development exercises, or if you have favorite tricks of your own, let us know in the comments!
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Practice Creative Writing With These Prompts
Practice Creative Writing With These Prompts You need to write a story for your creative writing class? Would you like it to be a horror story, a suspense, a romance or a sci-fi one? Whatever genre you choose, here are some creative writing prompts for you: Your Biggest Fan This one is straight out of the book Misery by Stephen King where a deranged fan kidnaps and tortures her favorite writer. How can you put a twist on a creepy, invasive fan that will make peoples skin crawl? The Reader Takes Part in the Action Why not write a book where the narrator slowly falls in love with the reader? How would you describe that? Haunted House Is there a creepy old house in your neighborhood that nobody wants to walk past? Are there steep stairs leading up to it like in Psycho? Maybe its a mystery who lives there as nobody is ever seen going in or out, yet theres always a candle in the window at night? What finally brings you to an encounter with the house? A dare from your friends? Did your cat escape and run into the scary house and you have to find it? What do you see when you enter? Vampires, Monsters and Zombies Then there are the traditional monster and zombie stories where bloodthirsty supernatural beings invade a town and start a killing spree. Where are you when this happens? How do you escape? What scenes of horror do you witness as you run for your life? Alternative Dreams The kids usually dream of becoming ninjas, astronauts, cowboys. Instead, they grow up to become bankers, accountants. Imagine the alternative reality, where a little boy wanted to be a lawyer whereas had to become an FBI agent. How would the story evolve? Ghosts These can be some of the scariest stories. Someone has died, but their spirit wont leave. How do you come into contact with this ghost? How do things develop? In the beginning, you merely sense something strange, but as time goes on, the ghost becomes more and more invasive in your life until you find yourself possessed by it! How do you fight the ghost? With a priest? Why is it tormenting you? How can you put it to rest? What is its story? Another Kind of Death In this universe, the dead dont just become limp corpses. They function just like regular bodies, just without a soul. How do they interact with those alive? Why not break the clichà © and make zombies good this time? The Forgotten You awake and start getting ready for work, you go downstairs and no one in your house knows who you are and your pictures have vanished. What do you do first? How do you make your loved ones remember you? Buried Alive As in The Raven where Poes fiancà ©e is buried alive slowly, how could you write this theme to evoke the terror of feeling the earth cover you while youre still alive? Does your victim escape? How do they do it? Who put them there in the first place and why? Accident Sometimes there doesnt have to be a villain for the story to be terrifying. What if you were in an accident, a car crash, or are hanging from a cliff? How do you overcome the situation and make it out alive? Bring on Some Sci-Fi You have invented an A.I system that integrates with a human body to automatically provide adjustments that will allow you to evolve and better your life. You are the first person to test new technology out. What adjustments do you think will be made? A great idea is always vital for a successful story. Pick one of the above or think of one yourself and go ahead, start creating! Got some incredible prompts youd like to share with others? Write them in the comments!
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Story Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2
Story - Essay Example However, upon arrival in America in 1855, Fernando directed Chilam to the city of California in the gold mines. The journey took 10 months since they were new to America and pretended to be cow boys. Their lifestyle in America was pathetic since they were immigrants in America. Therefore, they had to obey and withstand all the frustrations at the gold mines. Chilam survived the invasion of the intruders who killed his Chinese friends and left him hopeless. All was not lost since he remained with a good amount of gold when his friends were murdered. Over time, he opened a gold refinery firm that grew to larger heights attracting the American government into his business in San Francisco. After some years, Chilam’s gold mines grew into a larger investment and became popular in the West coast side of America. He signed an agreement with the government to incorporate him as part of the Golden Spike ceremony that involved the railroad project. This involved creation of last four spikes of gold in America. This meant that two golden spikes would come from San Francisco, silvered spike from Nevada and one from Arizona full of iron, silver and gold. Chilam opted for the last golden spike that was placed into the railroad that connected Union Pacific and Central Pacific railroad (California digital Newspaper collection, 34). In conclusion, it is evident hat the journey of Chilam to richness was tough but had a soft landing. This is evident from displacement of their family and friend s in Mexico to a new land of opportunities in
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Case Study - Strategic Leadership Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
- Strategic Leadership - Case Study Example It has been equally focused on all the four main areas which facilitate exploitation of volume opportunities vis-a-vis retail, commercial, advertisement and specialty; and premium market. It has been able to efficiently exploit various marketing tools like prolific advertising on all leading media, attractive packaging, promoting eye-catching displays on point of purchase and lastly becoming proactive participants in trade and consumer promotion campaigns. The company has expanded its market across region and geographical boundaries through effective distribution and supply chain management. Providing a wide range of well differentiated writing product lines which are inexpensive but quality driven has also been part of vital marketing strategy of the company. b. Financial policy The company is goal driven and its budgeting is dependent on the short term and long term goals of the company that it formulates from time to time. At the same time it realizes that as its business expands, more formal financial strategy would need to be evolved for effective delivery of its long term vision and mission. Presently, its financial strategy is mainly focused on three areas: To ensure plant expansion through mortgage loan, short term loan and using cash-in-hand. It believes that its good credit rating would greatly help in acquiring large financial assistance so as to exploit opportunities for acquisition, merger and new product development for maintaining leverage against their rivals in the industry. The company’s compensation policy is focused on the welfare of the workforce. It has offered purchase option of its shares to its workforce. While initially the dividend policy was at the discretion of its owner Mr. Bich, now as a public limited company, it considers that 20-25% of the earning is a good target dividend for its workers which it distributes amongst them as bonus. It also is one of the best pay masters as regards the assets. Thus, satisfied workforce en sures optimal performance that significantly contributes to the profit margin. c. Manufacturing The company has developed highly integrated state of the art manufacturing process that is capable of mass production of quality goods at relatively low cost. The parent company, Societe BIC of France has provided its American counterpart with the machinery, production technology and R&D know how. Quality control norms are strictly followed that considerably reduces cost due to mass production. The company has expanded its plant manufacturing capacities through better technology, benchmarking and regular training of its workers so that it becomes cost effective. d. Human Resource Policy The managerial leadership of the company is highly motivating and labor friendly. Workers’ participation is encouraged during decision making process and development of joint goals that align with long term objectives of the company. They are regularly encouraged to take part in quality control prog rams and grievances and conflicts are resolved through weekly meetings. The company has not used redundancy in its HR policy and instead has retrained workers for other positions that are linked to increased production. Answer 2 BIC’s strategy is to dominate the market of writing products and increase profits by selling large volume of inexpensive pens through channels that cater to mass market. Answer 3
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Load Sheding In Pakistan Essay Example for Free
Load Sheding In Pakistan Essay There are number of problems which exist in Pakistan,among these problem Load sheeding is the one major problem of Pakistan .There are several reasons of Load shedding.Here we discussed few of them and then its effect on the Pakistan.The first main reason of load shedding is energy crisis,these crisis are due to small number of dams or may be due to miss use of electricity or may be some other reasons also effect,a huge number of person used electricity without pay its bill so it also cause load shedding in Pakistan. In presence of load shedding progress is not possible in Pakistan.Here we also discussed about some problem which happens due to Load shedding.load shedding in pakistan essay is discussed here. The first problem which happened due to load shedding is the failure of industry in Pakistan .This effect badly on all types of industry.In mini industry there is no alternative source of electricity so when load shedding started these industries stop their work.In big industry although they have a source of electricity but if they produce electricity from their own source then its cost become very high.So due to this work is not done in any type of industry.But the mot badly effected industry is the electronic industry.So due to this no investor invest on industry in Pakistan and day by bay Pakistan goes down rapidlly. Another problem which exist due to load shedding is the business in markets due to this markets also effected, no work done mostly in night time.Although many problems occurred in day time but some business has to be done but in night time all shops in markets closed.So economically its has very worst effect on Pakistan.As every one know that students are ingredient for the progress of any country but major bad effect occurred on studies is due to load shedding, students do not decide proper time for their studies. Basically Pakistan is a agricultural country most of Pakistan economy depend on its agriculture Due to load shedding , water problem damaged the crops.There are many other aspect through which load shedding effect on agriculture.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Wind Power Essay -- Wind Energy Global Warming
The Power of Wind Wind energy is a free and limitless power source. No matter where you go, there will always be wind. In the past, wind was captured and controlled through the use of sails for the powering of ships. Now that larger amounts of energy have been found, through the burning of fossil fuels, the art of sailing has faded to a recreational sport. Wind has also been used in the past to power mills, which have been used to pump water and grind grains. Though now these techniques of harnessing wind’s power are now not widely used, even though it is an effective power source. Wind is created by the uneven heating of the earth’s surface, and; therefore, is an unlimited source. The problem with fossil fuels is that they are pollutant and will eventually run out, whereas wind is clean and abundant. The technology and efficiency of windmills has improved significantly over the numerous years that they have been around. Figure 1: Windmills of the Past, Figure 2: and Present (University at Buffalo) The Power of Wind 3 Figure 3: Mills and the Power Generated (University at Buffalo) The windmill is a large vertical structure that can stand up to 500’ tall with blades as large as 250’. As the wind passes the rotor blades, the blades are forced to spin, therefore rotating the main shaft. Now, do to modern computers, windmills have been able to utilize a gearbox, improving the effectiveness of wind energy. These gears will control how fast the high-speed shaft will spin, the faster it spins in the generator, the more power that is produced. Then, the power is transported down the tower and directly into the city grid system. The Power of Wind 4 Figure 4: Structure of a Wind Turbine (University at Buffalo) Advantages and Dis... ... (The Economist, July 26, 2007) Wind in the Future Wind energy is definitely going to be a valuable resource in the future. The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority has a Renewal Portfolio Standard which requires that 25% of our electricity be produced from renewable sources by 2013. This shows that the US is already converting to renewable resources such as wind and solar. The Power of Wind 6 References University at Buffalo, UB Green: Wind Energy. (2007, July) http://wings.buffalo.edu/ubgreen/energyforthefuture/technologies/wind.htm July 26, 2007. Where the Wind Blows, The Economist. Retrieved July 30, 2007, http://www.economist.com/science/displaystory.cfm?story_id=9539765 July 26, 2007. Trapped Wind, The Economist. Retrieved July 30,2007, http://www.economist.com/science/displaystory.cfm?story_id=9539806&CFID=16468099&CFTOKEN=46305302
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Globalization in the hospitality industry Essay
1: Educating workers around the world: Due to globalization, managers and employees of hospitality industry are able to learn about the different cultures, people, religions and other different prospects of life. Globalization also helps them to understand what importance of humanity is. Racism is still a part of some people but due to globalization it is getting hidden. 2: Multilingual services: Due to globalization more and more people from different parts of the world are traveling around the world. Hotels got benefit by these modernization but to maintain this traveling many hotels hire people who know different languages so that their customers feel comfortable and safe. 3: More knowledge about different cultures: So,e years back, people are not use to travel internationally and due to this many people were not aware of different cultures and traditions around the world but now people do travel and this increases the knowledge of people to understand about various cultures For example: When In India, I see tourist coming from Africa and they wear their traditional clothes and speak different language. This way I understand their culture and their heritage. 4: Increasing knowledge about different variety of foods: Due to this vast trend of globalization, more and more restaurants and hotels have different variety of food because you never know which people are coming from which part of the world. Everybody love food and when they see their own food somewhere they feel so relaxed. For example: Chinese tourist travels all around the world and so all big cities have â€Å"China Town†. These things attract Chinese people go and visit these places which are far from China but yet very similar Chinese tradition. 5: Increase in trade agreements: Globalization increase trade agreements between two countries as It is good for the economy of both countries as well as for the benefit of people who wants to understand other country’s culture and heritage, For example: Canada and China have very strong trade relations as China is the second largest trading partner. These relations are maintained because of this increasing multiculturalism. 6: Increase in equality among people and language and cultural barriers reduced: When people travel and work in different parts of world, this reduce language and cultural barriers and increase equality among people as they all feel comfortable with working with different people. This is one the major advantage of globalization because non equality and racism are biggest enemy of humanity. Now people have to be more knowledgeable to take any actions against any culture or race
Saturday, November 9, 2019
The angle and camera movement was mainly focused on Rick and his surroundings. . Discuss the use of at least three of the conventions of continuity editing used in this sequence as discussed in your text, starting on page 340. The scene was mostly based around the 1 80 degree rule, It Insured that I was not confused or It was Inconsistent. One example was when Sam was playing the Plano and the some background that was necessary was exploited. The A-line and B-line match was directed between Rick and his friend having conversation.The cross cutting created suspense when Islam and Rick met by the Plano when Sam and was playing the piano. C. This sequence is part of the plot's exposition. Define â€Å"exposition†as it is used in terms of plot. (You first encountered this term in the chapter on narrative. ) In this Sibilance? Exposition in terms of plot is a form of discourse that explains, defines, and interprets. The word is also applied to the beginning portion of a plot in wh ich background information about the characters and situation is set forth. . Watch the sequence in Citizen Kane which begins with a snowball hitting the â€Å"Mrs.. Cane's Boarding House†sign and ending with the sled being covered by snow. This sequence is approximately four minutes long. (1) How many shots are there? I counted 2-3 shots. (2) Describe the use of the camera, including camera angle and movement and the types of shots used in this short sequence. The angle I would describe this scene as would be a long shot. The focus was on Mrs.. Kane, Mr..Kane and Jaw Getty's while Junior was in the background outside playing in the snow. The camera followed the characters as well. Therefore, that is why there were not a lot of shots. (3) Notice the composition of each frame, I. E. , the placement of characters and objects within the frame of the shot. What is symbolically significant about this frame composition? The frame composition in this view led me intrigued on when t here was going to be the next shot. The camera kept following the characters.All the characters were centered around each other except for Junior was in the background which is to be considered the long shot as in question 2. The images it conveyed was the window in the background and Junior playing in the snow which added a little dimension to the shot. 3. In a minimum of two well-developed paragraphs, compare/contrast the overall editing styles used in Sibilance and Citizen Kane. Be specific about types of editing quenches and transitions between scenes and between shots within a scene.The shots conveyed in Sibilance were more of mid shots than of Citizen Cane. In Citizen Cane there were more transitions fading in and out. Including Atlanta's groundbreaking â€Å"deep focus†shots and many astonishing scenes, Citizen Kane is not only spectacular to look at, but the whole story telling is astonishing. Consider this famous scene, which captures the breakdown of a marriage in 2-1/2 minutes by furthering the distance of Kane and his first wife, Emily, at the breakfast table. Stupendous. And in terms of ingenuity, nothing in Sibilance compares.The lighting in both movies seemed to be the same considering they were both â€Å"black and white†The two main characters; Ills and Emily Norton were bright and stood out. Although Sibilance had one of the first new editing techniques brought to film I think Citizen Cane had more genius perspectives and editing, shots throughout the movies. Consider the scene in Citizen Cane when Not only has Wells now aged as Kane from about 25 to 70-something, but the shot of Kane walking though his huge, empty house with only reflections of himself is truly brilliant, as both visual imagery and none-too-subtle allegory.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Jewish Bar Kochba Revolt Essays - Bar Kokhba Revolt, Free Essays
Jewish Bar Kochba Revolt Essays - Bar Kokhba Revolt, Free Essays Jewish Bar Kochba Revolt The Jewish revolt led by Bar Kochba in 132 AD was not the work of a single if a single radical revolutionary. It was the inevitable result of years of promises not kept to the Jews, and laws which suppressed the basis of Jews as a nation. To underezd the reason for Bar Kochba?s Revolt one must go back many years even before the war. Prior to Hadrian, an emperor by the name of Trajan was the ruler of the Roman empire. Due to the rebellion of the Jews in the Diaspora to the east and the west of them, Trajan, in order to keep the Jews in Palestine from rebelling he had to send a great general to be governor of the Jews in Palestine, a general who was well with the harshness in which he treated people. This general?s name was Tineius Rufus, he was the general that put down the uprising of the Jews in Parthia. Because of Rufus? reputation of his severity to the Jews, he uprooted any thought of the Jews in Palestine to rebel against Rome at that time. The Jews did not want to rebel anyway. Trajan had promised the Jews that he would rebuild the asenv ,hc, the Jews assumed this also meant to rebuild Jerusalem. The Pagans in Palestine did not want the asenv ,hc to be rebuilt, they thought that if it was rebuilt it would be the rebirth of the Jewish nation. Also, in addition, Trajan, the Emperor who made this promise died and was succeeded by Hadrian. The Jews were unsure if Hadrian would keep the promise that Trajan once made. Hadrian wanted to go to Jerusalem to see what he was rebuilding before he started the construction. When Hadrian got there he was awed by the sight of a once desolate and fruitful city in ruins. He immediately wanted to start the reconstruction. However later the Jews were surprised and disappointed to discover that Hadrian wanted to rebuild Jerusalem not as a city for the Jews to restart in, but as a Pagan city sanctified to the Pagan G-d Jupiter. He was going to put an alter where the Jews asenv ,hc once stood. Hadrian was to be the high priest. What once was called Jerusalem would now be called Aelia Capitolina. This was a mockery to the Jews. The Jews waited sixty years from the destruction of the Second asenv ,hc for Rome to restore it to them. The Jews held themselves back from Rebelling with their neighboring Jews in Diaspora because they held onto, and believed that Trajan?s promise would be kept. Furthermore, Hadrian later made a prohibition of circumcision. "Consequently the Jews saw in Hadrian another Antiochus Epiphanes. And where there was an Antiochus, a Maccabee was bound to arise." THE JEWS HAD TO REVOLT. The Romans had by now either banned or mocked some of the most important beliefs in Judaism. If they did not revolt against the Romans they would have died, in a spiritual sense. Even if the Romans didn?t kill them, they would not really be Jewish anymore. Circumcision, which was the physical difference between them as Jews and, as well as a basic premise of their Jewish beliefs. Their only choice was to gain their independence. Rabbi Akiva, a great scholar of his day, also once believed in Tarsus? promise. He had also been led astray. Therefore, the great Rabbi helped organize thousands of soldiers to fight for the independence and welfare of the Jewish people. Rabbi Akiva also picked a man named Shimon Bar Kochba to lead his army. Rabbi Akiva was sure that Bar Kochba would turn out to be "A second Judah the Maccabee." Rabbi Akiva was so sure of this that he called Bar Kochba the jhan. His name alone was a reference to him being the jhan, his name Bar Kochba means "Son of a Star" from the word Kochab which means star. There was also a sentence in the Torah which stated, "A star has come forth from David." Both times a star is mentioned. This is a direct referral to him being the jhan. Bar Kochba had to make sure his army was ferocious
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Behavior Management Tips and Techniques
Behavior Management Tips and Techniques As teachers, we often have to deal uncooperative or disrespectful behavior from our students. To eliminate this behavior, its important to address it quickly. A great way to do this is by using a few simple behavior management strategies that help promote appropriate behavior. Morning Message The best way to start your day in an organized way is with a morning message to your students. Each morning, write a short message on the front board that includes quick tasks for the students to complete. These short tasks will keep the students busy and, in turn, eliminate the chaos and chatter in the morning. Example: Good morning Class! Its a beautiful day today! Try and see how many words you can create from the phrase beautiful day. Pick a Stick To help manage the classroom and avoid hurt feelings, assign each student a number in the beginning of the school year. Put each students number on a Popsicle stick, and use these sticks to choose helpers, line leaders or when you need to call on someone for an answer. These sticks can also be used with your behavior management chart. Traffic Control This classic behavior modification system has proven to work in elementary classrooms. All you need to do is make a traffic light on the bulletin board and place the students names or numbers (use the number sticks from the idea above) in the green section of the light. Then, as you monitor the students behavior throughout the day, place their name or number under the appropriately-colored section. For instance, if a student becomes disruptive, give them a warning and place their name on the yellow light. If this behavior continues, place their name on the red light and either call home or write a letter to the parent. It’s a simple concept that the students seem to understand, and once they go on yellow light, that is usually enough to turn their behavior around. Keep Quiet There are going to be times when you receive a phone call or another teacher needs your assistance. But, how do you keep the students quiet while attending to your priority? Thats easy; just make a bet with them! If they can stay quite without you asking them, and for the whole time youre busy with your task, then they win. You can bet extra free time, a pizza party, or other fun rewards. Prize Incentive To help promote good behavior throughout the day, try a prize box incentive. If a student wants a chance at picking from the prize box at the end of the day they must†¦(stay on green light, hand in homework assignments, complete tasks throughout the day, etc.) At the end of each day, award the students that had good behavior and/or completed the task assigned. Prize Ideas: SuckersCandyPencilsErasersBraceletsStampsStickersAny small trinket Stick and Save A great way to motivate students to keep on track and reward for good behavior is to use sticky notes. Every time you see a student displaying good behavior, place a sticky note in the corner of their desk. At the end of the day, each student can turn in their sticky notes for a reward. This strategy works best during transitions. Simply place a sticky note on the desk of the first person who is ready for the lesson to eliminate wasted time in between lessons. Looking for more information? Try a behavior management clip chart, or learn the 5 tools to manage young learners.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Audit Reports Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Audit Reports - Essay Example Audit Report on financial statements of an entity is normally an independent auditor's report. Internal auditors also submit reports on assessment of internal controls installed by entities voluntarily or as statutory compliances. Audit report carries the results of audit examination conducted with in a framework in shape of opinion formed by auditors on such audit examinations. Auditing opinions formed and conveyed through audit reporting may be classified into four categories, namely an unqualified opinion, a qualified opinion, adverse Opinion, and disclaimer of an opinion. Unqualified Opinion expresses that financial statements are presented in accordance with requirement of GAAP. A qualified opinion conveys that financial statements present the financial position, financial results, and cash flow of the entity of the prescribed period in accordance with GAAP except for the matter or matters on which the report is qualified. Adverse Opinion on an audit report is provided when the financial statements do not present financial position, financial results and cash flows in accordance with applicable GAAP. Reports containing adverse opinion are issued when there are material departures from applicable GAAP in the presentations of financial statements. Some time an auditor is not in a position to form an opinion on the financial statement presentations. ... Objectives of Audit Reports Audit reports are medium of communication of results and findings of an examination or audit conducted under certain established framework. Under financial audit reporting auditor is concerned with forming an opinion on the financial statements and therefore independent audit report becomes an important medium for communicating that opinion to the shareholders or to the owners of the entity. This opinion of the auditor serves a variety of objectives of the audit function undertaken voluntarily or as compliance of a legal requirement. Some of these objectives are stated as under: Audit reports coveys the misstatements or deficiencies in the compiled financial statements showing the performance for a fiscal period and financial status on a particular date of an entity. That is to say the objective of audit reporting is to bring those deficiencies to the fore for the observance of the users of financial statements and helping them in taking their investing or other decisions respecting the entity involved. Audits are undertaken to bring improvement and fairness in reporting the results of operations to the shareholders or owners of the entity. Audit report, being the final function of auditing, is a tool to highlight the areas needing specific attention of the management for the improvement so that true and fair financial statements are presented to the users of such financial statements. Audit report serves variety of management and operational objectives as well.'A variety of individuals will use audit reports for a variety of purposes. Executive management will typically use an audit report to gain an insight to the overall status of
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